Overcoming Re-Entry Anxiety

Last week a new phrase entered our daily lexicon: “Re–entry anxiety”.
It describes the feelings of anxiety and trepidation many people across states and territories experienced, as we emerge from our lockdown ‘cocoon’ and began renegotiating our social and working worlds. In this ABC Interview, I provide some reasons and rationale for this phenomenon, and provide some practical tips to help alleviate any anxiety and stress individuals may feel as they ‘re enter’ the social sphere.

Optimising Virtual Work and Working from Home

As the impact and effects of the pandemic (COVID-19) deepen in NSW, Peter Riley on ABC Radio interviewed Alan Hudson to seek advice and tips to understand more about the psychology of remote working and how we can adapt and navigate this new world through digital tools for working from home. The interview can be … Read more

Leadership skills coaching gave Suzanne* peace of mind

Leadership skills is a valuable investment


Some would argue leaders are born, not made. I disagree. I have coached many individuals in leadership skills and they have gone on to be effective leaders as a result.

One question many executives face over their careers is: should I stay or should I go?

As an example of effective leadership coaching, Suzanne* is an in-house lawyer heading up the legal department of a Commonwealth government agency. She was looking for ways to optimize her leadership skills. However, she had reservations about her career direction and needed a trusted advisor as a sounding board.

* To preserve client confidentiality I have changed her name

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How to make career change a New Year’s resolution

Make a career change in 2018

As we finish off one year and prepare to start the next, it’s a good time to make career change a new year’s resolution.

As a psychologist and career transition coach, I’ve been helping leaders and their teams improve their emotional skills and work on transitions for those who are looking for a change, need to exit a declining industry or identify whether their workplace is right for them.

Here are six ideas to making a successful career transition in 2018

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Career reboot needed to cope with change?

Does your career need a reboot?

Need a career reboot?

Finding clarity in a professional crisis 

Taking the time for a career reboot is a necessary evil in today’s world. Tough career times are ahead for knowledge workers. A shrinking job market is threatening white-collar professions, such as law, consulting and accounting. Some experts are warning that nearly half of all jobs that Australians currently do will be obsolete in the next 20 years.

Even if your profession isn’t under threat, you may find yourself struggling thanks to the change in the speed of technology.

Are you facing challenges such as increased number of virtual meetings or having a direct manager in another location? You could simply be noticing people are spending as much time using their devices as they are looking at each other. You may well be asking yourself “what the hell is going on”?

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