Workplace deception wearing you down?

Workplace deception can lead to stress

Turning on your “fake news” filter

Workplace deception has lasting effects on career prospects, health and your psyche. In the fake news era, it’s easy for deceptive people to mislead us. The truth is, the sheer volume of deceptive tactics to sway our judgement can overwhelm our psyche.

From what I’m seeing, collectively our base level of anxiety is running high. Everyone is tuning into the media to determine what’s happening. The problem is, the media is half the problem. Each week I have conversations with people who are switching off from the news or their social media feeds. I’m concerned we are blunting our own critical faculties.

I see the need to improve skills to determine what is the truth from our boss, peers, and the media.

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Take cues from customers

Image alt text: Management Today article on taking cues from the customers

By Leon Gettler, Management Today, June 2014 A critical issue for Australian businesses is poor customer service, with CEOs and boards focusing on this as a critical way to improve sales and profits. For Vantage, customer service was part of a focused management strategy to give the group a competitive advantage. The hotel put its … Read more